
import numpy as np

def m(X):
    return np.log(X)

def g(X):
    return X ** 2

def gen_data(n=500, seed=0, theta=5):
    V = np.random.normal(size=n, scale=2)
    U = np.random.normal(size=n, scale=3)
    X = np.random.uniform(size=n, low=1, high=10)
    D = m(X) + V
    Y = D * theta + g(X) + U
    X = X.reshape(-1, 1)
    return Y, D, X

Y, D, X = gen_data(seed=0)

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
sns.pairplot(data=pd.DataFrame(dict(Y=Y, D=D, X=X.reshape(-1, ))))
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7f5eacdc5ab0>


  1. サンプルを\(K\)個に分割する。

  2. \(k \in K\)について、\(k\)番目のチャンクのサンプルのインデックスの集合を\(I_k\)とする。\(i \notin I_k\)のサンプルで局外関数の推定を行う:\(\hat{\eta}_{0,k} = (\hat{\eta}_{0}(W_i)_{i \notin I_k})\)

  3. \(i \in I_k\)のサンプルで\(\theta\)を推定

  4. \(\hat{\theta}_{0,k}\)の平均を集計

from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

def dml1(Y, D, X):
    kf = KFold(n_splits=5)
    thetas = []
    for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(X)):
        # 局外関数の推定
        m = LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1).fit(X[train_idx], D[train_idx])
        l = LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1).fit(X[train_idx], Y[train_idx])
        # 残差の計算
        V_hat = D[test_idx] - m.predict(X[test_idx])
        Y_res = Y[test_idx] - l.predict(X[test_idx])
        # θの推定
        theta_hat = np.mean(V_hat * V_hat) ** (-1) * np.mean(V_hat * Y_res)
    return np.mean(thetas)

dml1(Y, D, X)


theta = 5
n_rep = 1000
estimation_errors = []
for i_rep in range(n_rep):
    Y, D, X = gen_data(seed=i_rep, theta=theta)
    theta_hat = dml1(Y, D, X)
    estimation_error = theta - theta_hat

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(estimation_errors, bins=30)
ax.set(xlabel=r"$\theta - \hat{\theta}$", title="Estimation Error")

mean_error = np.mean(estimation_errors)
ax.axvline(mean_error, color="darkblue")
ax.text(mean_error, 10, f" mean={mean_error:.2g}")

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
File <timed exec>:6

Cell In[2], line 11, in dml1(Y, D, X)
      8 for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(kf.split(X)):
      9     # 局外関数の推定
     10     m = LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1).fit(X[train_idx], D[train_idx])
---> 11     l = LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1).fit(X[train_idx], Y[train_idx])
     12     # 残差の計算
     13     V_hat = D[test_idx] - m.predict(X[test_idx])

File /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lightgbm/sklearn.py:1189, in LGBMRegressor.fit(self, X, y, sample_weight, init_score, eval_set, eval_names, eval_sample_weight, eval_init_score, eval_metric, feature_name, categorical_feature, callbacks, init_model)
   1172 def fit(  # type: ignore[override]
   1173     self,
   1174     X: _LGBM_ScikitMatrixLike,
   1186     init_model: Optional[Union[str, Path, Booster, LGBMModel]] = None,
   1187 ) -> "LGBMRegressor":
   1188     """Docstring is inherited from the LGBMModel."""
-> 1189     super().fit(
   1190         X,
   1191         y,
   1192         sample_weight=sample_weight,
   1193         init_score=init_score,
   1194         eval_set=eval_set,
   1195         eval_names=eval_names,
   1196         eval_sample_weight=eval_sample_weight,
   1197         eval_init_score=eval_init_score,
   1198         eval_metric=eval_metric,
   1199         feature_name=feature_name,
   1200         categorical_feature=categorical_feature,
   1201         callbacks=callbacks,
   1202         init_model=init_model,
   1203     )
   1204     return self

File /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lightgbm/sklearn.py:955, in LGBMModel.fit(self, X, y, sample_weight, init_score, group, eval_set, eval_names, eval_sample_weight, eval_class_weight, eval_init_score, eval_group, eval_metric, feature_name, categorical_feature, callbacks, init_model)
    952 evals_result: _EvalResultDict = {}
    953 callbacks.append(record_evaluation(evals_result))
--> 955 self._Booster = train(
    956     params=params,
    957     train_set=train_set,
    958     num_boost_round=self.n_estimators,
    959     valid_sets=valid_sets,
    960     valid_names=eval_names,
    961     feval=eval_metrics_callable,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    962     init_model=init_model,
    963     callbacks=callbacks,
    964 )
    966 self._evals_result = evals_result
    967 self._best_iteration = self._Booster.best_iteration

File /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lightgbm/engine.py:307, in train(params, train_set, num_boost_round, valid_sets, valid_names, feval, init_model, feature_name, categorical_feature, keep_training_booster, callbacks)
    295 for cb in callbacks_before_iter:
    296     cb(
    297         callback.CallbackEnv(
    298             model=booster,
    304         )
    305     )
--> 307 booster.update(fobj=fobj)
    309 evaluation_result_list: List[_LGBM_BoosterEvalMethodResultType] = []
    310 # check evaluation result.

File /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lightgbm/basic.py:4136, in Booster.update(self, train_set, fobj)
   4133 if self.__set_objective_to_none:
   4134     raise LightGBMError("Cannot update due to null objective function.")
   4135 _safe_call(
-> 4136     _LIB.LGBM_BoosterUpdateOneIter(
   4137         self._handle,
   4138         ctypes.byref(is_finished),
   4139     )
   4140 )
   4141 self.__is_predicted_cur_iter = [False for _ in range(self.__num_dataset)]
   4142 return is_finished.value == 1


もしCross Fittingがなければ#

def estimate_without_cross_fitting(Y, D, X):
    # 局外関数の推定
    m = LGBMRegressor(max_depth=4, verbose=-1).fit(X, D)
    l = LGBMRegressor(max_depth=4, verbose=-1).fit(X, Y)
    # 残差の計算
    V_hat = D - m.predict(X)
    Y_res = Y - l.predict(X)
    # θの推定
    theta_hat = np.mean(V_hat * V_hat) ** (-1) * np.mean(V_hat * Y_res)
    return theta_hat

estimate_without_cross_fitting(Y, D, X)
n_rep = 1000
estimation_errors = []
for i_rep in range(n_rep):
    Y, D, X = gen_data(seed=i_rep, theta=theta)
    theta_hat = estimate_without_cross_fitting(Y, D, X)
    estimation_error = theta - theta_hat

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(estimation_errors, bins=30)
ax.set(xlabel=r"$\theta - \hat{\theta}$", title="Estimation Error (without splitting)")

mean_error = np.mean(estimation_errors)
ax.axvline(mean_error, color="darkblue")
ax.text(mean_error, 10, f" mean={mean_error:.2g}")

CPU times: user 2min 39s, sys: 868 ms, total: 2min 40s
Wall time: 20.3 s


theta = 7
Y, D, X = gen_data(seed=0, theta=theta)
theta_hat = dml1(Y, D, X)
print(f"{theta=:.1f}, {theta_hat=:.3f}")
theta=7.0, theta_hat=7.002
df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=["x"])
df["y"] = Y
df["d"] = Y
x y d
0 8.397135 99.940053 99.940053
1 7.304758 67.200958 67.200958
2 8.947698 104.094708 104.094708
3 9.699176 127.140504 127.140504
4 7.972729 91.577762 91.577762
l = LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1, n_estimators=100, max_depth=4)
m = LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1)
from doubleml import DoubleMLData
data = DoubleMLData(df, y_col="y", d_cols="d", x_cols=["x"])

from doubleml import DoubleMLPLR
dml = DoubleMLPLR(data, l, m)
================== DoubleMLPLR Object ==================

------------------ Data summary      ------------------
Outcome variable: y
Treatment variable(s): ['d']
Covariates: ['x']
Instrument variable(s): None
No. Observations: 500

------------------ Score & algorithm ------------------
Score function: partialling out

------------------ Machine learner   ------------------
Learner ml_l: LGBMRegressor(max_depth=4, verbose=-1)
Learner ml_m: LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1)
Out-of-sample Performance:
Learner ml_l RMSE: [[10.77148372]]
Learner ml_m RMSE: [[10.86900956]]

------------------ Resampling        ------------------
No. folds: 5
No. repeated sample splits: 1

------------------ Fit summary       ------------------
       coef   std err           t  P>|t|     2.5 %   97.5 %
d  0.989565  0.002293  431.535933    0.0  0.985071  0.99406
import numpy as np
n_obs = 500
n_vars = 100
theta = 3
X = np.random.normal(size=(n_obs, n_vars))
d = np.dot(X[:, :3], np.array([5, 5, 5])) + np.random.standard_normal(size=(n_obs,))
y = theta * d + np.dot(X[:, :3], np.array([5, 5, 5])) + np.random.standard_normal(size=(n_obs,))

dml_data_sim = DoubleMLData.from_arrays(X, y, d)
================== DoubleMLData Object ==================

------------------ Data summary      ------------------
Outcome variable: y
Treatment variable(s): ['d']
Covariates: ['X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5', 'X6', 'X7', 'X8', 'X9', 'X10', 'X11', 'X12', 'X13', 'X14', 'X15', 'X16', 'X17', 'X18', 'X19', 'X20', 'X21', 'X22', 'X23', 'X24', 'X25', 'X26', 'X27', 'X28', 'X29', 'X30', 'X31', 'X32', 'X33', 'X34', 'X35', 'X36', 'X37', 'X38', 'X39', 'X40', 'X41', 'X42', 'X43', 'X44', 'X45', 'X46', 'X47', 'X48', 'X49', 'X50', 'X51', 'X52', 'X53', 'X54', 'X55', 'X56', 'X57', 'X58', 'X59', 'X60', 'X61', 'X62', 'X63', 'X64', 'X65', 'X66', 'X67', 'X68', 'X69', 'X70', 'X71', 'X72', 'X73', 'X74', 'X75', 'X76', 'X77', 'X78', 'X79', 'X80', 'X81', 'X82', 'X83', 'X84', 'X85', 'X86', 'X87', 'X88', 'X89', 'X90', 'X91', 'X92', 'X93', 'X94', 'X95', 'X96', 'X97', 'X98', 'X99', 'X100']
Instrument variable(s): None
No. Observations: 500

------------------ DataFrame info    ------------------
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 500 entries, 0 to 499
Columns: 102 entries, X1 to d
dtypes: float64(102)
memory usage: 398.6 KB
from doubleml import DoubleMLPLR
dml = DoubleMLPLR(dml_data_sim, l, m)
================== DoubleMLPLR Object ==================

------------------ Data summary      ------------------
Outcome variable: y
Treatment variable(s): ['d']
Covariates: ['X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5', 'X6', 'X7', 'X8', 'X9', 'X10', 'X11', 'X12', 'X13', 'X14', 'X15', 'X16', 'X17', 'X18', 'X19', 'X20', 'X21', 'X22', 'X23', 'X24', 'X25', 'X26', 'X27', 'X28', 'X29', 'X30', 'X31', 'X32', 'X33', 'X34', 'X35', 'X36', 'X37', 'X38', 'X39', 'X40', 'X41', 'X42', 'X43', 'X44', 'X45', 'X46', 'X47', 'X48', 'X49', 'X50', 'X51', 'X52', 'X53', 'X54', 'X55', 'X56', 'X57', 'X58', 'X59', 'X60', 'X61', 'X62', 'X63', 'X64', 'X65', 'X66', 'X67', 'X68', 'X69', 'X70', 'X71', 'X72', 'X73', 'X74', 'X75', 'X76', 'X77', 'X78', 'X79', 'X80', 'X81', 'X82', 'X83', 'X84', 'X85', 'X86', 'X87', 'X88', 'X89', 'X90', 'X91', 'X92', 'X93', 'X94', 'X95', 'X96', 'X97', 'X98', 'X99', 'X100']
Instrument variable(s): None
No. Observations: 500

------------------ Score & algorithm ------------------
Score function: partialling out

------------------ Machine learner   ------------------
Learner ml_l: LGBMRegressor(max_depth=4, verbose=-1)
Learner ml_m: LGBMRegressor(verbose=-1)
Out-of-sample Performance:
Learner ml_l RMSE: [[8.69278568]]
Learner ml_m RMSE: [[2.22238082]]

------------------ Resampling        ------------------
No. folds: 5
No. repeated sample splits: 1

------------------ Fit summary       ------------------
      coef   std err          t          P>|t|     2.5 %    97.5 %
d  3.48904  0.108446  32.172982  4.214560e-227  3.276489  3.701591