

shift detection#

SafeML: Safety Monitoring of Machine Learning Classifiers through Statistical Difference Measure | Papers With Code


paper: Towards Modular Machine Learning Pipelines

Towards Modular Machine Learning Pipelines - Microsoft Research

ML pipelinesがもつべき性質

  1. Independently trainable: multiple components can be trained in parallel with very limited communication or coordination needed between them

  2. Consistent: if a component is improved to its optimal version (i.e., replaced with the true data generating process for that component), the pipeline does not degrade

  3. Aligned: if a component is incrementally improved, the pipeline is again guaranteed to not degrade.

    • Aligned pipelines may not be consistent — incremental shifts need not capture the large distribution shifts implied by consistency.

Data Quality-Driven#

[2102.07750] A Data Quality-Driven View of MLOps

XユーザーのShinichi Takaŷanagi(減量中)さん: 「Microsoft Researchらによるデータ品質観点でのMLOps調査論文。MLOpsでの4つのタスク(MLモデル品質最適化、MLへの非現実的な期待防止、過学習の輿望、継続的な品質テスト)に対する を中心とした処方箋を紹介。 A Data Quality-Driven View of MLOps」 / X